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Perfection of Moral Absolutes

Whether you are familiar with the Bible or not, you can agree that few other books—if any—have birthed a moral code and become a standard for the world. This inspired and timeless book brings with it proof of its authenticity and the existence of a Creator God who authored it.

Is there a moral code that can bring peace, well-being, and blessing to any society? Yes. It’s a tall order that delivers. No culture or any purported spiritual writings have produced such a code. Some have copied the original, but we must look to the source. 

The Ten Commandments transcend time and culture, providing a universal framework for upholding moral values. These principles remind us of the fundamental importance of honesty, integrity, respect, and compassion in our interactions with others. By embracing these values, we foster healthier relationships, contribute to the betterment of society, and create an environment of trust and harmony. The Ten Commandments bring forth principles on how we all desire to be treated.

Consider the world we’re living in today. Is the world experiencing severe trials and trauma? Do you see crime, lack of respect for rules, sexual abuse, violence, war, rebellion, moral depravity, divorce, broken relationships, fear, hatred, and division on the rise?

How Do the Ten Commandments Impact our Society and Apply to our Daily Lives?

The Ten Commandments serve as a timeless guide, offering us a moral compass to navigate the complexities of our lives. They remind us of the importance of upholding ethical conduct, cultivating a deep spiritual connection, and working toward creating a just and harmonious society.

                  The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)

1.   You shall not have any other gods before God. (v. 20:3)

2.   You shall not make yourself an idol. (vs. 20:4-6)

3.   You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain. (v. 20:7)

4.   Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. (vs. 20:8-11)

5.   Honor your father and mother. (v. 20:12)

6.   You shall not murder. (v. 20:13)

7.   You shall not commit adultery. (v. 20:14)

8.   You shall not steal. (v. 20:15)

9.   You shall not testify or bear false witness (lie) against your

      neighbor. (v. 20:16)

10. You shall not covet. (v. 20:17)

They strengthen our relationship with the Divine: The commandments emphasize the significance of honoring and revering the God of the Bible. They remind us to cultivate a deep sense of spirituality, seek guidance and solace in times of need, and foster a profound connection with the Divine. By nurturing our spiritual well-being, we find meaning, purpose, and a source of strength that guides us through life’s trials and tribulations.

They create a just society: The commandments call for fairness, justice, and the protection of individual rights. They highlight the importance of treating others with dignity and respect, upholding justice, and promoting equality. They shape a world that values compassion, empathy, and the overall well-being of all its members.

They embrace ethical conduct: When you incorporate the principles of the Ten Commandments into your daily life, society changes. It has to! The moral code accentuates being truthful, honest, and fair with others. It emphasizes treating everyone with kindness, empathy, and respect—honoring the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. By practicing ethical conduct, we cultivate a positive environment and contribute to the growth and well-being of our communities. The cultural gateways of society, such as government, business, church, family, media and communications, arts/entertainment, and education would all benefit.

They cultivate spiritual connectivity: It is vitally important to take time to nurture your spiritual well-being. We must ask ourselves if engaging in practices such as prayer, meditation, or reflection to deepen our connection with the Divine should be important. We all need to seek solace, guidance, and inspiration from the Creator of the universe and allow Christianity to provide a moral compass and a source of strength in navigating life’s challenges.

They promote advocating for justice: Standing up for justice and equality in our communities and beyond is vitally needed. Evil must not be called good and good must not be called evil. We must confront discrimination, injustice, and oppression whenever and wherever we encounter them. Imagine if we all supported initiatives that promote fairness and equality for all, recognizing that every person deserves to be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect. By advocating for justice, we contribute to a more equitable and compassionate world.

What About Virtue in Society?

Many say that virtue is in short supply in America. For this reason, we find ourselves in the midst of a culture that has lost sight of absolute truths. Religious observance has declined over the past several years. The principal pillars of moral order are collapsing, replaced by relativism—a killer. People have lost sight of important things, leading to a temporal material existence instead of concentrating on the infinite.

The Founding Fathers Regarding Virtue 

The Founding Fathers spoke and wrote often on the unassailable (undeniable) value of virtue, in both the people and their elected leaders:

“The order of nature is that individual happiness shall be inseparable from
  the practice of virtue.”                                                  –Thomas Jefferson

“The institution of delegated power implies that there is a portion of virtue
  and honor among mankind which may be a reasonable foundation of
  confidence.”                                                              –Alexander Hamilton

“To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty of happiness
  without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.”    –James Madison

“The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue. If this cannot be
  inspired into our people in greater measure than they have now, they
  may change their rulers and the form of government, but they will not
  obtain a lasting liberty.”                                                       –John Adams

Unless you’re oblivious to the world around you, you know there are segments of populations that cast aside virtue and live according to another creed. Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and slothfulness—we know them as the seven deadly sins. The ruling state, the celebrity and cultural elite, the entertainment industry, and the progressive left have replaced virtue with vice, capturing the minds of the spiritually weak, gullible, and those who would deny the existence of God.

Virtue is the essence of the religious roots of Western civilization and the Judeo-Christian ethos, the moral foundation of America. However, demoralization is how and why Christianity is being undermined today. Many entities like the Department of Education, Hollywood, TV, and social media influencers embrace beliefs and a way of life that are opposite to the traditional values and principles of a virtuous life.

From the ancient world to today’s popular opinion, happiness has always been tied to virtue. You’ve heard of prudence, fortitude, and temperance (moderation, self-control). But adding to these foundational virtues, some  feel there is another virtue that is important to realizing the American dream—patriotism—a great pride of our heritage and country. 

The Founding Fathers believed a people without virtue would not find happiness and productive lives, or any hope for achieving the American dream. 

“America is great because she is good; if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”                 Alexis de Tocqueville

“Without courage, there can be no truth, and without truth, there can be no other virtue.”                                                                      –Sir Walter Scott  

By embracing the principles embedded within the commandments, we can lead lives of virtue, integrity, compassion, and purpose, fostering the values of love, justice, and righteousness. Let the Ten Commandments inspire and guide you on your journey toward a virtuous and meaningful life.

Only a Creator God of perfection could provide these spiritual and physical guideposts in life. And there is no better standard and source of moral perfection than the Bible. 

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